Welcome to The Crimson Thread. the teaching web site of Jon Behrens, pastor of Restoration Messianic Fellowship in the Boulder/Longmont area of Northern Colorado. You will find here articles on various Scriptural subjects as well as Bible studies that have been recorded at RMF.
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Conflict between Y'shua and the Pharisees and lawyers. Discussion of the six woes he pronounces against them in Luke 11.
In this passage from Ecclesiastes, God's universe favors morality.
The new heaven and the new earth where God finally dwells among men. The New Jerusalem and homage of the nations. The tree of life restored to man.
God is one being who reveals Himself to us in three persons. All three persons appear throughout the Bible, but one seems to dominate in each of the three sections of the Book.
In the Decalogue both the first and the tenth commandments forbid alien gods. The first commandment is obvious - thou shall have no other gods before me. The tenth - thou shall not covet - not quite so much. Why, then does Paul equate covetousness with idol worship?
People naturally divide into tribes, either by birth or by culture. In America, we have both, but the most divisive is over culture. In trying to reach people for God, it is important that we speak to them in terms their culture regards as important. The speaker is Matt Behrens
Starting in Luke 11, Y'shua speaks about the Kingdom of God. At first, He speaks of the state of the Kingdom as He finds it. He then speaks of the Kingdom as it will be in the future.
Solomon says that sometimes the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper. In this, he encapsulates the book of Job which gives a glimpse into the workings of Heaven.
At the destruction of Babylon, all of heaven rejoices that justice has been served and God has taken vengeance on the great whore who has deceived the nations. The arrival of the King and His reign over the earth for a thousand year. The Great White throne.
A piano in the hands of someone who doesn't know the laws of music will only make noise. It is the rules that allow a player to make music. So too with life.
Exodus 21:1—24:18
Jeremiah 34:8-22
Matthew 26:17—29
Thus said the Lord:
"Stand by the crossroads
and consider,
Inquire about ancient paths:
Which is the road to happiness?
Travel it, and find tranquillity
for yourselves."
(Je 6:16)