
  • Y'shua on Prayer2025-01-30T09:14:55

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    In the Luke travel narrative, Y'shua teaches his disciples about prayer. This includes the Lord's Prayer, the parable of the Friend at Midnight, the Unjust Judge and the Publican and the Pharisee.

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  • Hardness of Heart2025-01-29T08:54:05

    Biblically, a hard heart makes it impossible for a person to see God's miracles for what they are.

  • Revelation 14-16 The Wrath of God2025-01-28T08:35:43

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    After the three angels broadcast their messages to the whole earth, the earth is reaped. First the good harvest which would be gathered to God and then the wild grapes which go into the winepress of God's wrath. That is followed by the seven bowls of the wrath of God.

    This recording is a part of the series: "Revelation 2024"
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  • A Sense of Eternity2025-01-27T09:22:02

    Secularists have no good explanation of why we have a sense of the eternal. In Ecclesiastes the phrase, 'under the Sun' refers to the created order. Why did God put a sense of eternity into us?

  • While We Wait for His Return2025-01-26T12:00:37

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    The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 describes what will happen at Christ's return. In that briefing, there are four parables describing what He expects His followers to be doing while He is away. These parables cover four different subjects. It is important to notice that everyone in each parable is a believer and that each parable describes the case where some of those believers are rejected.

    This recording is a part of the series: "Sermons 2025"
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  • Finding Your Way2025-01-24T08:39:18

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    The time between birth and natural death is a journey with a purpose. It is a path leading toward a goal. For the believer, both the path and the goal are life. Because the way is difficult, it is tempting to focus on the path and neglect the goal, or on the goal at the expense of the path. Either of these strategies is a mistake. A successful journey requires keeping both in focus.

  • What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life?2025-01-23T09:41:37

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    During his final journey to Jerusalem, Y'shua told a series of parables. The first and last of these provide answers to the question, 'What shall I do to inherit eternal life?'

    This recording is a part of the series: "Luke Parables"
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  • Rapture?2025-01-22T07:44:32

    The pattern in Scripture for God separating His people from the world while He deals with its wickedness is the Exodus, not the pre-trib rapture.

  • Revelation 13-14 - Beasts2025-01-21T15:34:40

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    Two beasts, one rising out of the sea and the other out of the earth. The first beast represents human government that demands fealty from all people to the point even of worship. The second beast is false religion which lends the first beast legitimacy. The 144,000 and the final notice from God to all the earth that He is the only one to be worshiped.

    This recording is a part of the series: "Revelation 2024"
    You may also listen on: iTunes

  • Justifying Our Own Sins2025-01-20T08:29:42

    Most people, when they do something rotten, can come up with reasons why their circumstances justify their behavior. God seldom agrees.

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