Colossians 2020

Paul had apparently never visited the church at Colossae but had heard that they were slipping into error. From the letter we can assume that this error was an early Christological problem, questioning who or what Y'shua is.

Some Christian commentaries presume that the problem was caused by Jews much as was the case in Galatia. This does not seem to be the case. Rather it appears that the new believers were getting trouble from friends in their former pagan religion. There seems to have been a desire to bring pagan ways into the church.

  • Colossians 1, The Mystery

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    The letter begins by establishing that Y'shua was with God at the Creation and is the one through whom everything exists. It also reveals the mystery that His death and resurrection is the event that allows gentiles to enter the Kingdom of God. In this Paul is laying the foundation for refuting a philosophical heresy in the churches at Colossae and Laodicea.
  • Colossians 2, The Heresy

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    Paul has not visited the Colossian church, but has learned of some philosophical error that has crept in. Some Christians believe that the problem was Judaism in much the same way that the Gallatians were troubled about the circumcision question. This is not correct. The description of the problems are not Jewish, but rather pagan. It appears that the Colossian's former pagan friends are giving them trouble about following Torah.
  • Colossians 2 - 3, Raised With Christ

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    Being born mortal because of the disobedience of Adam, each of us inhabits the realm of death. When we decide to join the Kingdom of God, we must die to the world and be reborn into the Kingdom. The process by which that happens is baptism.
  • Colossians 3-4, Covetousness is Idolatry

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    Paul urges us to put earthly desires to death, giving a list of sins. That list concludes by saying to put aside covetousness which is idolatry. Covetousness began in the Garden when the woman desired to be like God, knowing good from evil. Today, in order to justify our desires either for things that God has forbidden or for things belonging to another, we turn to other 'gods' for justification. Hence covetousness becomes the impulse for idol worship.