It is common knowledge that the seven Kingdom Parables in Matthew, the Seven Letters to the Churches in Revelation and the seven pastoral letters of Paul are related. In fact, the relationships are more than casual and the three sets of seven form a tightly knit whole.
In the seven Kingdom Parables, we have the Messiah's perspective on the Kingdom of God given before His crucifixion. In the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches, we have His comments on the same subjects in the same order written about a half century later. In between, we have the pastoral letters of Paul which speak on the same subjects from a perspective between the two Messianic extremes.
This study examines the Parable of the Sower, Paul's letter to the Ephesians and Y'shua's letter to the Church in Ephesus. Each of these documents deals with the problem of becoming so engrossed in the study of the Word that the assembly looses the human touch and love within the community grows cold.
Ephesians 1
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