Galatians 2015


It has been argued that Martin Luther's radical reading of Galatians launched the Reformation and an era of autonomy (self law). We are seeing the end of the arc of the pendulum set in motion centuries ago in our society where even the laws of biology are not considered binding on an individual.

This study seeks to redress that balance by showing that, far from abrogating the Torah, Paul sought to insure that it was not used improperly. He argues that the Torah's purpose is not and never has been salvation - not for the Jew and not for the Gentile. Rather, it is a teaching guide given to God's chosen people after he had saved them. Its purpose is to promote life and blessing to those He loves.

  • Galatians 2015 - Introduction and Chapter 1

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    To the new church among the gentiles, the question of circumcision was an important one, having both religious and political ramifications. The introduction discusses the various factors influencing the circumcision question. In this, the letter is intimately related to the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15. In the first chapter, Paul explains why his credentials are at least equal to those who are troubling the new believers in Galatia.
  • Galatians 2015 - Chapter 2

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    Galatians is a treatise on the relationship between the Torah and Salvation. Torah and works of the Law are not intended to be a vehicle for salvation. Rather, it teaches how the saved shall live in the Kingdom of God. With that understanding, learning and following Torah becomes very important to believers in Yeshua (Jesus).
  • Galatians 2015 - Chapter 3:1-15

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    Those who rely on works of the law for salvation will fall short and be cursed. How does this relate to the fact that the Torah promises to produce life?
  • Galatians 2015 - Chapter 3:15ff

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    The Torah cannot amend the covenant God made with Abraham. Rather the purpose of the Torah is to keep Israel until the Son of Promise arrives. Once one comes to faith, he has an inheritance reserved for him.
  • Galatians 2015 - Chapter 4

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    Paul compares the Torah given at Sinai with the New Covenant from the Jerusalem in Heaven. The one leads to slavery the other to freedom. The difference is that the Torah is designed to be written on hearts of flesh, not tablets of stone. When the Torah is imposed from outside (tablets of stone), it is slavery. When it wells up from within, it is freedom.
  • Galatians 2015 - Chapter 5 - 6

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    Discussion of the freedom Christ has purchased for us. In this. Paul quotes Yeshua (Jesus) when he says the whole Torah is summed up by saying, "Love God, love your neighbor." He then goes on (just as Yeshua did) to give examples from the Torah which show how to walk that statement out in one's life.