As the name implies, Hebrews is addressed to Jews. As such it assumes a familiarity with the TANAK that is not present in Paul's letters which are addressed to gentiles. The style in Hebrews is simply to cite Scripture and then assert that the citation proves that something is true of Y'shua. This style can lead to misunderstandings among readers who are not intimately familiar with TANAK and with the Jewish style of exposition.
This study attempts to read the book with 'Hebrew eyes' and explain what it probably meant from the perspective of a first century Jew.
This study is being published as quickly as it is recorded during our Bible study sessions.
Hebrews 1, Messiah is the Heir of God
Media FileHebrews 2, Man was Given Dominion
Media FileHebrews 3-4, Entering His Rest
Media FileHebrews 4-6, An Understanding Priest
Media FileHebrews 6-7, A Priest Like Melchizedek
Media FileHebrews 8, The New Covenant
Media FileHebrews 9, The Blood of the Covenant
Media FileHebrews 10, Assurance of Forgiveness
Media FileHebrews 11, Faith and Time
Media FileHebrews 12-13, Awaiting the Promises
Media File