

The first book after the Torah, Joshua describes the conquest of the land. In many ways it is repeated in Revelation when Y'shua comes to conquer the Earth.

I have skipped over the chapters which delineate the boundaries of each tribe's possession.

You will want a map in hand when you listen to this series.

  • Joshua 1-2 - The End of the Wilderness

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    Introduction to the book and to the terrain. This book describes military operations which are dictated in part by the shape of the ground. Joshua sends spies into Jerico where they are sheltered by Rahab. In return for her help, Rahab extracts a promise of protection from Joshua's spies.
  • Joshua 3-5 - Crossing the Jordan

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    Crossing the Jordan represents a bookend to the time in the wilderness which began with the crossing of the Red Sea. In Exodus they left enemy territory and 'the world' behind; here they are reentering the world and facing a time of war and conquest.
  • Joshua 5-6 - Destroying Jerico

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    Because of the presence and favor of God, Joshua does several things that are very unorthodox from a military point of view. As an example, no normal commander would cross a river into enemy territory and then incapacitate his troops for three days via circumcision.
  • Joshua 7-8 - Sin and Defeat

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    Unbeknownst to Joshua, Achan had disobeyed God and taken spoil from Jericho. This caused Israel to be routed in what should have been a minor skirmish at Ai. Correction of that sin was expensive indeed.
  • Joshua 9-10 - The Long Day

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    Gibeon sits astride the Saddle of Benjamin and as such is strategically vital to the conquest and holding of the Land of Israel. Joshua knew this as did the Canaanite kings in the south. When Gibeon made a covenant with Israel it became the center of a major battle during which God fought for Israel.
  • Joshua 10-11 - Continuing Conquest

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    After driving the Canaanite kings off of the Saddle of Benjamin, Joshua conquered the southern half of the land. He then turned north where the enemy had a great advantage in chariots as well as terrain favorable to mounted warfare. Joshua negated that advantage by striking them in their mountain assembly area.
  • Joshua 22ff - The End of the Beginning

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    The end of the initial phase of the conquest of the Land. The Eastern tribes are released to return to their inheritance where they build a memorial altar. This is misunderstood by the Western tribes and causes them to threaten war. Joshua renews the covenant and gives his people a final charge.