Revelation 2024

During this study, we will mention a new book by Doug Van Dorn, "The Rings of Revelation" While I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, he has done some excellent work on textual analysis. That I do find very useful.

  • Revelation24 1 Introduction and Discussion of Symbols

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    Discussion of end times perspectives and why the Tanak can provide context and commentary on the symbols in Revelation. Chapter 1, the Risen Lord. His explanation of the lampstand and the seven stars.
  • Revelation 2 - Letters to the Churches

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    Christ dictated letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. These letters correlate with the seven Kingdom Parables in Matthew and with Paul's pastoral letters to seven churches. While these were seven actual churches active at the time of John's vision, there are other ways to look at the letters. The symbols used in the letters appear elsewhere in the TANAK.
  • Revelation 3 - Letters to the Churches

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    Letters to Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. These churches form the second half of the chiasm described in last week's recording. Discussion of each church's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Revelation 4-5, Ceremony in the Throne Room

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    John is invited into the Heavenly Throne Room where he sees God and the Lamb. The arrangement of that heavenly venue is mirrored in the stellar constellations. The ceremony John witnesses is the delivery of a sealed scroll to the Lamb - the only one in creation who is worthy to receive and open it.
  • Revelation 6-8, The Seven Seals

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    Once it was determined that the Lamb was worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, the unsealing process began. Since the scroll represents the legal title to the earth, as each seal is removed, there is a corresponding reaction on the earth. The first six seals seem to be sequential in time and then there is an out of sequence vignette where the 144,000 are sealed.
  • Revelation 8-10 -Trumpets

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    Now that the Lamb has been authenticated as the rightful King of the Earth, the trumpets herald His coming. At His first advent, He came in peace riding on a donkey. This time He comes on a white horse to conquer. In that sense, the trumpets can be looked upon as an artillery barrage preparatory to an invasion.
  • Revelation 11-12 War in Heaven

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    When God's two witnesses have been raised from the dead, those who are capable of giving Him glory do so. Then the seventh trumpet sounds and heaven's reoccupation of the earth begins. At some point Satan is expelled from heaven and embarks on a persecution, first of the Jews, and then of all believers.
  • Revelation 13-14 - Beasts

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    Two beasts, one rising out of the sea and the other out of the earth. The first beast represents human government that demands fealty from all people to the point even of worship. The second beast is false religion which lends the first beast legitimacy. The 144,000 and the final notice from God to all the earth that He is the only one to be worshiped.
  • Revelation 14-16 The Wrath of God

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    After the three angels broadcast their messages to the whole earth, the earth is reaped. First the good harvest which would be gathered to God and then the wild grapes which go into the winepress of God's wrath. That is followed by the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
  • Revelation 17-18 The Fall of Babylon

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    After the seven bowls of wrath, we get the fate of Babylon, the spiritual capitol of the first beast. This is the imperial city of the great world government that is arrayed against God and His people.
  • Revelation 19-20 Justice

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    At the destruction of Babylon, all of heaven rejoices that justice has been served and God has taken vengeance on the great whore who has deceived the nations. The arrival of the King and His reign over the earth for a thousand year. The Great White throne.
  • Revelation 21-22 All Things New

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    The new heaven and the new earth where God finally dwells among men. The New Jerusalem and homage of the nations. The tree of life restored to man.