The two books of Samuel chronicle the shift from a system of judges to a monarchy. In addition to a recounting of the history and God's reaction to the change, the books provide an interesting study in the importance of fathers and the consequences of their failures.
This line of thought was suggested by Professor Justin Jackson in a Hillsdale College online course.
1Sam23_1,2 The Birth of Samuel
Media File1Sam23_3-7 The Ark in Philistia
Media File1Sam23_8-9 Give Us a King
Media File1Sam23_10-12 Saul Anointed King
Media File1Sam23_13-14 Saul's Rash Command
Media File1Sam 15-16 Saul Rejected
Media File1Sam23_17-18 Goliath
Media File1Sam23 Saul's Paranoia
Media File1 Samuel 22-24 Hiding in a Cave
Media File1Sam23_25-27 Abigail
Media File1Sam23_Saul's Death
Media File2Sam23_1-3 David in Hebron
Media File2Sam23_4-6 King David and the Ark
Media File2Sam23_7-10 Expansion of the Kingdom
Media File2Sam23_11-12 Bathsheba
Media File2Sam23_13-14 The Rape of Tamar
Media File2Sam23_15-16 Absalom's Rebellion
Media File2Sam23_ 17-19 Victory and Loss
Media File2Sam23_19-21 Restoring the Kingdom
Media File2Sam23_22-24 Sinful Census
Media File1King23_1-2 Succession
Media File