Sermons 2025

  • 2025-01-04 Hope for the Future

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    Hope and faith are different. Hope is what we use to set the goals in our lives. Faith enables the bringing of those goals to fruition. As we face a new administration, there is reason for hope.
  • 2025-01-11 David's Hit List

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    As David lay on his death bed, he gave his son instructions to kill Joab, the commander of the army. The events that made that advisable were set in motion years earlier by the sin of David himself. When David committed adultery with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, he used Joab to cover up the crime by killing Uriah. That led to a sequence of events that almost cost David his throne and did result in the death of two of his sons. God forgave David, but He did not vacate the earthly consequences.
  • 2025-01-18 Two Beasts

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    Comparing Matthew 24 with Revelation 13 and 14, it is obvious that there are still things to come from an eschatological perspective. The first beast represents human government and the second a human religion that gives a spiritual imprimatur to the bestial government. The Scriptural purpose for telling us these things is to provide perspective on how we should be living as the end times approach.
  • 2025-01-25 While We Wait for His Return

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    The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 describes what will happen at Christ's return. In that briefing, there are four parables describing what He expects His followers to be doing while He is away. These parables cover four different subjects. It is important to notice that everyone in each parable is a believer and that each parable describes the case where some of those believers are rejected.
  • 2025-02-01 Talent Investment

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    In the Olivet Discourse, the master entrusts three of his servants with his resources and then goes on a long journey. Two of the servants double his money, the third simply holds and returns it to him upon his return. It would be an error to assume that God's standard is 'double my money' or you're going to be rejected.
  • 2025-02-08 Burning the Bridge Behind You

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    When God took Israel out of Egypt, He did not take the short route to Canaan lest the people change their minds and return to Egypt. Instead, He took them into the wilderness beyond the point where they could return without dying of thirst or starvation. In this sense, He burned the bridge back to Egypt so they had no choice but to continue on to freedom. So too, many of us have bridges that need to be burned so we can move forward to be what God desires.
  • 2025-02-15 Covetousness is Idolatry

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    In the Decalogue both the first and the tenth commandments forbid alien gods. The first commandment is obvious - thou shall have no other gods before me. The tenth - thou shall not covet - not quite so much. Why, then does Paul equate covetousness with idol worship?

Sermons given at Restoration Messianic Fellowship during 2025